Women I Admire: Katherine Johnson


Learning is a lifelong journey. It takes effort and enthusiasm. You must seek out knowledge, not expect it to land at your doorstep. Once you begin to appreciate the process of learning, you will start unlocking life and career changing ideas. 

Being open to learning unlocks opportunity for the main character in The Best Seller (out THIS month). Learn more about cherishing learning by watching this video about trailblazing NASA mathematician Katherine Johnson, who always surrounded herself with people who loved to learn.

There’s so much we can learn from her tenacity.

How are you contributing to your team? We are all better when we are united together and have a team behind us.

Katie Bishop and her dad, Doug Reichardt worked together over 5 years to finish a novel to help guide others in business, sales, and life. Their novel, now available on Amazon, follows a persistent young woman struggling in her career who finds inspiration and wisdom in her journey. Want an early copy? Stay in the loop.